Welcome to our Documentation! 👋

Illustration of a book

Our docs give you an overview of our features, so you're able to use all the powerful functionalities in no time. 💪

Although we strive to document all the functionalities thoroughly, please don't hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions.

The documentation is structured into five sections:

  • Dashboard - gives you an overview how snappify helps you to organize your code snippets in one place
  • Slides - explains how you can create interactive Presentations and smoothly animated Videos with snappify
  • The Editor - where we explain the ins and outs of our powerful design tool
  • Embedding - explains how you can embed interactive code explanations via iframe or on platforms like Hashnode or Notion
  • Snappify API - to show you how to automate the process of creating beautiful code screenshots
  • Integrations - contains documentation about 3rd party integrations to boost your workflow

Illustration of a lamp


Illustration of a Certificate


Illustration of a Puzzle Dice


Illustration of a Box Opening


Illustration of a Fingerprint Device


Illustration of an hourglass


Any questions?
Don't hesitate to ask them! 👇