
See the latest product updates for snappify.

🔗 Unlink Elements

In snappify, elements are automatically linked to each other when you duplicate them. This is done to ensure that the elements transition smoothly when they are duplicated.

However, sometimes you may want to unlink an element from its instances on other Slides. For this we now introduced a new button on the Animation tab of the right toolbar:

Picture showcasing the unlink elements button

🕒 Elapsed Time in Presenter View

The elapsed time is now displayed in the presenter view so that you can see how much time has passed during a presentation.

Picture showcasing the elapsed time in the presenter view

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🤩 Text Animations

It’s now possible to animate text changes with different animation types like a Typewriter effect, SlideIn animations or Morphing changes.

Video showcasing the new text animation controls

Additionally it’s also possible to animate the text line-by-line on click during a presentation, so you don’t have to create several Slides for e.g. showing bullet-point lists line-by-line.

✨ Improved Code Morphing

The change detection algorithm which is used to morph code changes has been improved. This will lead to more consistent and better looking code morphs as it now detects similarities better.

Video showcasing the new code morphing animation

We also published a new template which you can copy to see how to leverage the code morphin animation.

🎛️ Slide Change Trigger

There’s a new feature to give you more control over your presentations! 🚀

Picture showcasing the Slide Change Trigger setting

It gives you the opportunity to let Slides automatically advance to the next Slide after all animations have finished playing and the Slide Duration has elapsed.

🔀 Bulk-edit Animation Triggers

It’s now possible to bulk-edit animation triggers for multiple elements simultaneously.

On the left toolbar, when you’re in the “Animation” Tab, select multiple elements and open the context-menu via right-click, in order to change the Animation Trigger for all selected elements.

Picture showcasing the Animation Trigger context menu
Picture showcasing the Animation Trigger context menu

📋 Copy Elements as Image

We’ve added a new context menu option that allows you to quickly copy elements as image to your clipboard!

Now you can easily:

  • Right-click on any element(s) in your snap
  • Select “Copy / Paste as” > “Copy as Image” from the context menu
  • Paste the image directly into other applications
Picture showcasing the Copy as Image context menu
Picture showcasing the Copy as Image context menu

This feature is perfect for quickly sharing specific parts of your snaps without exporting the entire image.

🐰 Animated GIF Support

Happy to release an often requested feature: the ability to upload animated GIFs to your slides! 🎉

Video showcasing the Draw animations for arrows

They’ll also work in your exported videos 📺

🚀 Animation Order & Triggers

I’m proud to announce another big Update for snappify 🥳

It’s now finally possible to specify the order of the animations on your Slides, as well as configure different triggers when animations should be fired.

Picture showcasing the Animation Order & Triggers
Picture showcasing the Animation Order & Triggers

Checkout the corresponding Docs for more infos!

📺 Slide Preview in Presenter View

You’ll now see a preview of the previous, current and next slide in the Presenter View.

This will help you to better prepare for the upcoming slides and transitions during your presentations. 😄

Screenshot of the new Slide Previews in the presenter view.
Screenshot of the new Slide Previews in the presenter view.

⏱️ Duration per Slide

It’s now possible to configure the Duration of each Slide!

You can find the Setting to specify the duration of the selected Slide on the right toolbar:

Screenshot of the new Slide Duration setting
Screenshot of the new Slide Duration setting

⌨️ Command Menu

You can now use they keyboard shortcut   Ctrl +K to open the new Command Menu. All our favorite commands are now just a keystroke away.

If you’re missing a command in the menu, please reach out! 😄

Screenshot of the new Command Menu
Screenshot of the new Command Menu

👥 More Socials

You’re now able to add your Threads, Mastodon and Bluesky accounts to your profile info elements. 🥳

Showcase of the new socials in the profile info elements.
Showcase of the new socials in the profile info elements.

📝 Speaker Notes

We’ve added the possibility to add Speaker Notes to your Slides. This allows you to add additional information to your Slides, which you can see throughout your presentation.

In order to view the Speaker Notes while presenting, start your Presentation in the Presenter View:

Description of the new Speaker Notes feature
Description of the new Speaker Notes feature

🎛️ More Options for Code Change Transitions

It’s now possible to specify the duration and delay for Code Changes.

This gives your even more flexibility to create the perfect transitions for your code changes, or to make them faster. 😄

For more infos, checkout the corresponding Docs.

Screenshot of the Code Change Transition options
Screenshot of the Code Change Transition options

🍓 New Presentation Template

We’ve published a new template showcasing a parallax effect using the Raspberry Pi Logo 😄

Check it out 👇

Screenshot of the new Presentation Template

📼 Video Export Options

We’ve released new options for our Video Exports 🙌

You’re now able to define the Scale, FPS and Seconds per Slide. Additionally you can also export Videos with transparent backgrounds or export your Slides as GIF.

With this, our Desktop App is now also available for all major platforms!

Learn more in our new Documentation 😄

Screenshot of the Video Export modal.

🍕 Embed single slide

We’re shipping new features for our embedding functionality! 🥳

  1. Start the presentation immediately: Configure if the play button should be displayed to start the presentation or if it should start immediately.
  2. Embed single slide: Now you can embed a single slide of your presentation. So you don’t need to create a new snap for each slide you want to embed.
Screenshot of the embed modal for iframe
Screenshot of the embed modal for iframe

✍️ Arrow Draw animations

It’s now possible to define Draw animations when arrows enter or exit a Slide 🥳

This can be very helpful for explainer videos or in presentations. Check out the docs for more information.

Video showcasing the Draw animations for arrows

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