Sharing and embedding snaps

Share your code snippets or embed them via an iframe or on platforms like Hashnode, Medium or Notion

When you're creating technical infographics using snappify, of course you'd like to share them afterwards. You can just export them as an image to share it on Social Media, but sometimes you'd like to share them in an accessible way, so that your viewers can easily copy the code or other texts.

snappify offers you two options:

  • Share them via a Public URL
  • Embed them on your own website / blog

Let's take a look at how we can achieve that and the Settings we're able to configure 👇


On the snappify Editor you'll see a Share button which opens up the modal to share and embed your snaps. There you see the Public URL which can also be copied easily. As soon as you copy the URL, the snap will be published automatically. Sharing URLs of unpublished snap will lead to a 404 page.

On the modal you can also find some Settings to better describe what your snap is about. Take a look at the FAQs to better understand why it's import to provide descriptive information when sharing or embedding your snap.

Screenshot of the Share / Embed modal
Screenshot of the Share / Embed modal

OpenGraph Image

The OG Image acts as a preview image (or thumbnail), when sharing your snap on Social Media or other platforms via its public URL.

After initially publishing your snaps the OG image will be generated automatically from the first Slide. You can regenerate it manually with your preferred Slide number.


Snappify also enables you to embed your snaps in an interactive way on your blog or in your technical documentation, so that users can easily copy the code.

You can either embed them via an iframe on your own website, or on one of our supported platforms. Choose your desired embedding platform:


Hashnode Logo


Medium Logo


Notion Logo


Frequently asked questions

Any questions?
Don't hesitate to ask them! 👇