#File: logic.py
from landline import *
import serial
from PyQt5.QtCore import QTimer
class MainWindow(QtWidgets.QMainWindow, Ui_MainWindow):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
QtWidgets.QMainWindow.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
# A partir de aqui ya va lo tuyo (tu logica)
self.page = 0 #Create a variable for the page number
self.serial = serial.Serial('COM20',115200, timeout=0.05) #Establish communication port and frecuency
self.timer = QTimer() #Set a variable for a timer
self.timer.setInterval(80) #Establish the timer to read every 80 miliseconds, as in microcontroller
self.timer.timeout.connect(self.read_sensor) #Go to the function read_sensor when timer goes
self.timer.start() #Begin with the timer
def read_sensor(self): #Create the function read_sensor
try: #For it to not collapse, use the try command
self.page = int(self.serial.readline().decode('utf-8')) #Set the page number from what's sent
self.stackedWidget.setCurrentIndex(self.page) #Use page number in the index of the stacked widget
print("D':") #If the process somehow fails, send a sad face, but not stop there and continue
if __name__ == '__main__': #To open the interface
app = QtWidgets.QApplication([])
window = MainWindow()