def hf_chat_template(model: str, messages: list, chat_template: Optional[Any] = None):
    if chat_template is None:
        def _get_tokenizer_config(hf_model_name):
            url = (
            # Make a GET request to fetch the JSON data
            response = requests.get(url)
            if response.status_code == 200:
                # Parse the JSON data
                tokenizer_config = json.loads(response.content)
                return {"status": "success", "tokenizer": tokenizer_config}
                return {"status": "failure"}
        tokenizer_config = _get_tokenizer_config(model)
        if (
            tokenizer_config["status"] == "failure"
            or "chat_template" not in tokenizer_config["tokenizer"]
            raise Exception("No chat template found")
        ## read the bos token, eos token and chat template from the json
        tokenizer_config = tokenizer_config["tokenizer"]
        bos_token = tokenizer_config["bos_token"]
        eos_token = tokenizer_config["eos_token"]
        chat_template = tokenizer_config["chat_template"]
        # ... more code