def launch_gui1(app_root):
print("Launching GUI1 with root:", app_root)
app_root.withdraw() # Hide the main window
gui1 = gui.main(app_root) # Launch the second GUI
app_root.wait_window(gui1) # Wait for the new window to close
app_root.deiconify() # Show the main window again
buttons_info = [
("button_1.png", "button_hover_1.png", "button_1 clicked", lambda: print("button_1 clicked")),
("button_2.png", "button_hover_2.png", "button_2 clicked", lambda: launch_gui1(window)),
("button_3.png", "button_hover_3.png", "button_3 clicked", lambda: print("button_3 clicked")),
("button_4.png", "button_hover_4.png", "button_4 clicked", lambda: print("button_4 clicked")),
y_positions = [77, 142, 207, 272]
buttons = []