import socket
import struct
import pyrealsense2 as rs
import cv2
import numpy as np
import mediapipe as mp
from time import sleep
# Utility functions
def mapValue(value, from_low, from_high, to_low, to_high):
return (value - from_low) * (to_high - to_low) / (from_high - from_low) + to_low
def getPose():
#Establishes a connection with the UR5 robot,
#receives its current pose (position and orientation),
#and returns this information
def sendInstructionToUr5(ip, port, instruction):
#Sends instructions to the UR5 robot using a specified IP address and port.
def startCamera():
#Initializes the RealSense camera and displays real-time video streams.
def frameOriginCoordinates(xtool, ytool, H, V, wrist3):
#Calculates the origin coordinates of the camera frame
#based on the robot's position and orientation.
def transformCoordinates(x1, y1, ofx, ofy, theta):
#Transforms coordinates from the camera frame to global coordinates.
def showAndGetPredictionsLive():
# Captures real-time frames from the camera,
#detects hands using MediaPipe, and returns hand-related information.
#Main loop
#Transforms coordinates
#Sends instruction to UR seccuentially
resp1 = int(input("Move to hand: "))
if resp1 == 1:
ur5_move_command = f"movel(p[{xtransf1},{ytransf1},{ofzr},{rxr},{ryr},{rzr}],
a = 1.2, v = 0.25, t = 0, r = 0)\n"
sendInstructionToUr5(ur5_ip, ur5_port, ur5_move_command)
resp2 = int(input("Press 1 to return to original pose: "))
if resp2 == 1:
ur5_move_command_1 = "movel(p[.117,-.364,.375,0,3.142,0],
a = 1.2, v = 0.25, t = 0, r = 0)\n"
sendInstructionToUr5(ur5_ip, ur5_port, ur5_move_command_1)